With demanding schedules, intense workloads, and the desire to succeed in all areas, it’s easy to get bogged down with responsibilities and even make an idol out of achievement. With that in mind, what things in your life (“good” things) are preventing or hindering you from pressing into God’s presence?
As I reflected on this question, I found several hindrances (also known as idols) that were holding me back from complete abandonment to the Lord, and they simply weren’t necessary. Perhaps you have some of those too.
It’s important to ask God to help you identify hindrances and idols in your life and then have the courage to root them out once and for all. Once you’ve identified those hindrances, consider these tips for intentionally preventing mental overload.
1. Write it out. To write things down is to free your mind from the burden of remembering everything. Prioritizing and planning your tasks and time, then diligently following through with your lists can free you from the frustration of attempting to do everything at once.
2. Discipline yourself through social media time limits. Social media is a big time vacuum. Consider limiting your usage and/or removing apps from your phone. This will free your time to be faithful to your many responsibilities.
3. Commit to getting plenty of sleep. According to research from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, sleep loss leads to learning and memory impairment, as well as decreased attention and vigilance.
4. Exercise. Working out helps stimulate brain activity as new cells are generated through increased blood flow. Neuroscientists have discovered that aerobic exercise actually stimulates the growth of new brain cells and improves memory and the ability to learn.
5. Hide the Word in your heart. Diligently memorizing Scripture keeps our ways pure (see Psalm 119:9) and more Christ-saturated instead of self-saturated. Try a Bible memorization app like Desiring God’s Fighter Verses, which make it easy to learn and retain the glorious truths that will keep your heart from the hindrances which steal your affections.
SOPHIE MCDONALD is a graduate of Murray State University and the assistant editor of Real Truth Matters Magazine. Her primary aim is the fulfillment of the Great Commission and a life drenched in holiness.