Loving your neighbor who bakes you cookies and leaves you sweet notes on your door is a breeze. But loving your neighbor who plays loud music all night and leaves his trash out so bugs show up — now that’s a different story. Here are some practical ways to show your neighbors love, even the not-so-nice ones.
1. LOVE is spelled T.I.M.E. Make time to spend with those around you. Grab coffee, go on a walk with the girls, or block out time for a road trip. People know they are loved when you make time for them.
2. Think practically. Take a look at those in your dorm, apartment, class, or study group. Do you see any practical needs you can meet? Well, do it! Don’t wait around for your roommate to do the dishes when he’s swamped with a 20-page research paper or major project at work; do it yourself! Does your study buddy never have a pen handy? Buy a pack at the store. There are tons of practical ways to show you care.
3. Speak kindly. Not many people shy away from kind words, so use them often. Encourage, uplift, and laugh with those around you. Who knows, you just might spread some love today.