If you’ve taken any type of Biology class, you’ve likely studied DNA. Generally, DNA is the blueprint for life: It stores the genetic code for all living organisms. Virtually every cell in your body contains the exact same DNA code — and no two people have the same code. Even the tiniest parts of your cells contain the hardwiring for your existence.
Spiritually, we’re also programmed with a kind of DNA. Just as we inherited a physical generic blueprint from our ancestors, we’ve also inherited their sin. It permeates every part of our being, and is just as much part humanity as any physical trait.
While scientists can’t manipulate our physical make-up, the God of the universe is strong enough to overcome our spiritual destinies. In Christ, we aren’t just improved or tweaked a little. We’re given completely new identities in Him. Those who know Christ walk around with a fundamentally different spiritual composition than the lost world. In Romans, Paul outlined some of the changes that accompany our new spiritual DNA.
REWIRED FOR LIFE :: Romans 6:1-4
One of the first parts of our new identity is that we’re given the ability and desire to “walk in a new way of life” (v. 4). It’s possible that a few early Christians or false teachers argued that grace gave us permission to sin. You may have even heard friends justify sinful choices by saying God loves them or that they’re forgiven. Paul emphatically argues against this ridiculous notion. Freedom from sin doesn’t mean freedom to sin. Our new nature comes with new desires. Just as Christ died on the cross for sin, we also died to sin. The closer we get to Christ, the more sin nauseates us, and we long to please Him.
REWIRED FOR FREEDOM :: Romans 6:5-11
Another characteristic of our spiritual DNA is our total freedom from the slavery of sin. Physical slavery is a very real evil in our world. From child slavery in Africa to sex trafficking in Asia, South Africa, and in our own country, there are millions of captives who live in horrific circumstances — people desperate for rescue.
What’s not as obvious are the slaves who live, work, and study beside you every day. Those who don’t know Christ are in bondage to sin. They don’t wear physical chains, but spiritually, they’re shackled to a cruel master. They have no peace, no true joy, and no ability to please God or live for Him. The greatest trick of the Enemy is that most of those people have no idea they’re even enslaved. They live defeated but can’t define their misery or escape it.
Romans teaches that sin no longer dictates our lives. Yes, we’re still tempted, and it can still be a struggle to overcome addiction and old habits, but it’s possible. We have God’s Word on that. The moment Christ came into our lives, our chains shattered and the reign of sin collapsed.
Because we no longer serve sin, we have the ability and power to serve God — our new Master. Serving God isn’t a passive, weak decision. We literally become agents in His army, overcoming darkness and destroying the Enemy’s agenda. He not only frees us from sin; He frees us to live for Him and empowers us to do it.
REWIRED FOR ETERNAL LIFE :: Romans 6:15-16,22-23
The fourth component of our spiritual DNA is that we’re now hardwired for eternal life with God. Sin can be fun … for awhile. (If it wasn’t enjoyable to some degree, people would avoid it.) But it doesn’t take much experience with sin to discover that there’s a dark side. The pain and consequences of sin far outweigh any pleasure associated with it. So when you have the chance to be set free from sin, why would you want to fall back into it? Rather than our old destiny — physical and spiritual death — we now have a new end: eternity with our Creator in heaven.