My wife and I work really hard to teach our children good manners. Many times, we have to coax them to say "please" or "thank you." But, there are times when my children genuinely and spontaneously, without any coaching, express their gratitude to us or someone else for something they have received. Few things make me happier than when I have given a gift to my children and they respond with joyful gratitude. In this passage, God promised to pour out wonderful blessings on David and his family with long term effects. In response, … [Read more...]
LifeMatters :: Follow God’s Plan // Exodus 26:30-33
Here's a question. Why would the God who is everywhere seek to live in one particular location? God told Moses to build a tabernacle because He wanted to live with His people, up close and personal. He wanted to be their resident Yahweh. Not some distant God who had no relevance. Not some abstract concept or principle. No, God is always wanting to be Immanuel-"God with us." No matter who stood against Israel-whether it was the Ammonites, Assyrians, or Moabites-the presence of the one true God was with the Jews. And because God was for … [Read more...]
LifeMatters :: Be Loyal to God // Exodus 20:1-4, 7-8
Perhaps it's a lone blue M&M in a bucket of red ones. Or a mustard yellow car in a parking lot of black ones. Whenever you have something that's different from everything else, it's easy to notice it. The Israelites were called by God to be different from everyone else. God called them to be holy-to be set apart. In a land of polytheism, it was easy to pick out the monotheistic Jews. The Egyptians had gods for everything: Isis, the goddess of protection; Ra, the god of the sun; Anubis, the god of the dead. When the Israelites … [Read more...]
Why Aren’t More People In Your Groups?
In churches today, many people fly under the radar, never connecting to groups or plugging into the body. Families are stretched by the demands of life and grow weaker as spiritual leadership at home becomes increasingly rare. And among churches themselves, debates continue on effective methods for discipling individuals. As distressing as these realities can be, churches have an opportunity to step in and make a difference through their small group ministries. They simply need to make a few intentional choices. Join us on Wednesday, … [Read more...]
Along-The-Way Discipleship
by Kevin Hall I've grown up going to Sunday School, "big church," small group Bible studies, retreats, and mission trips. Like most Christians, I learned how important it is to read the Bible and pray. I heard many Bible stories and even learned great applications for my Christian life. But, like most churches, my church didn't teach me how to read the Bible or how to pray. Sure, I learned the order of the books of the Bible, and of course, I heard many prayers. But the discipleship component was missing. Through the years, I learned … [Read more...]
Creation Restored--NEW from Threads!
Creation Restored: The Gospel According to Genesis, the newest short-term study from Threads, releases April 1 but you can pre-order it TODAY on Join authors Matt Carter and Halim Suh as they examine Genesis 12-50 and explore how the early portions of the Bible foreshadow the gospel of Jesus Christ — the good news of salvation and redemption that we find only in relationship with Him. When we read about Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph—the family of promise—we read about salvation by faith. We begin to understand that God … [Read more...]
Q & A with Jared C. Wilson
As a Threads team, we’re thankful to work with the best authors in the world. And we always get excited when we can share those authors with you. So here’s our recent conversation with Jared C. Wilson, author of Seven Daily Sins. Threads: The “seven deadly sins” are familiar, at least in name, to most people. Why did you call this study Seven Daily Sins? Jared Wilson: Most Christians understand that they are sinners who “do” sins. But the biblical understanding of sin runs deeper than our … [Read more...]
Sneak Peek: “Seven Daily Sins”
One of the interesting dynamics of print publishing is that it takes a long time between the end of the editing process and the day when a book actually becomes available in stores. I’m still getting used to that delay, which is why I’ve been itching to post some preview material for Seven Daily Sins, by Jared C. Wilson. Finally, the time has come! I had a blast at the filming of this study’s Promotional Video, which you can see below. Next week I’ll be posting an excerpt from the study itself, and also a Q … [Read more...]
A New Day for Holy Vocabulary!
We at Threads hope you had a Merry Christmas, and we certainly hope you are gearing up for a safe and happy New Year. But before that delightful day, we recognize that a few of you may find yourselves in a quandry - I'm talking about those of you who received iTunes gift cards for Christmas, of course. What can you possibly use them for that won't be frivolous or soul-suckingly destructive? I mean, how many more Justin Bieber singles can you purchase without drifting into sin? If you continue your infatuation with Angry Birds, are … [Read more...]
Q&A with “Relate” co-author Julie Hunt
Threads recently caught up with Relate co-author Julie Hunt, assistant professor of social work at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, about the new study and, specifically, its implications for college students. Threads: How has your experience as a college professor influenced the writing of Relate? Julie Hunt: Being with college students every day gives me a glimpse into this age group and the challenges and benefits of friendship and relationships in this era. I appreciate that students want honesty and authenticity … [Read more...]
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