Everyone is experiencing loss right now. COVID-19 has changed a lot, most of which we’ll never get back, and our college students aren’t exempt from that. Four years that don’t end in walking across a graduation stage. Four years and not competing in your last collegiate sporting event. Four years of friendships that wrap up with FaceTime goodbyes. In a world where people are losing loved ones, it can be easy right now to minimize the pain of our 20-somethings and what they’re grappling with losing in the next 30 days. But since it … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Honor Mom and Dad as Emerging Adults
“The Bible says to honor your Daddy and Mommy.” I’m looking my 5-year-old in her teary eyes. “That means God wants you to listen and obey when we talk to you.” Our youngest was out of line for something. Honestly, I don’t remember what it was because that was six years ago now. The only reason I remember the instance at all is because that same week I sat across a table in a coffee shop from Kylie (name changed) grappling with the fact that those words don’t work for emerging adults. Kylie was a 20-year-old sweetheart with … [Read more...]
How to Respond to Criticism
We’ve all been there. The subject line of the email reads, Feedback on your message or A couple thoughts on your decision, or the more direct, We’re leaving. Sometimes it comes in the form of an email like this, and other times a text message that reminds you of at least some of your flaws, and even the occasional hallway or lobby conversation questioning a decision or word choice. Criticism is a reality for all who labor in the Kingdom of God. We can’t escape it. And typically, it will deflate us to a … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Create Community During Quarantine
We all know the power of community. We’ve seen it in our ministries and experienced it in our own lives. The college student growing a vibrant faith from being around others who are passionately following Jesus. A group of young ladies challenging one another to memorize Scripture together. One guy exposing sin to another friend and choosing to walk in the light. None of these things happen in isolation. We’ve also seen the opposite. A young adult retreating from others to carry on in a lifestyle of sin. A once faithful member of … [Read more...]
An Open Letter to Parents of College Students
This is an awkward time! Everything your college-aged child has known for the last few months—or maybe even years—has been flipped on its head. The structure of classes and buildings...GONE. The dorms and apartments full of friends and peers...GONE. The tempo of daily routines and rhythms...GONE. And what may be the most jarring for them at the moment, the freedom to come and go as they please...GONE! Moving back home between semesters, or for the summer, is hard enough for most, but to move back home without closure of a real end … [Read more...]
Facebook Live Tips for Ministry (From an Oscars Producer)
Church ministry is going more online than ever before due to the Covid-19 season. Ministries are live-streaming services, digitizing small group meetings, and planning remotely through platforms such as Google Hangouts and Zoom. But another useful ministry tool is Facebook Live (FBL). I’m not an expert, but I personally love FBL due to its personal nature and engagement capabilities as a platform (why I love Instagram Live as well). During the next 7 weeks (at least), I’ll be doing a weekly teaching series through … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Share Hope in the Midst of Crisis
While sitting in my house in shutdown mode (#safetyfirst) and watching the rain fall from the sky, I (like so many) am trying to grasp how to be a Christ-follower in this unique season we’re in. There are so many messages swarming around the social media world that it can easily add to anxiety and fear. I don’t know about you, but it feels like we are in a storm with an uncertain ending that we can’t see. But, hold on, folks, God is near! Immanuel, God with us, is here. He’s walking beside us through the storm. Because this all … [Read more...]
3 Tips for Discipling New, Young Believers
We want to live as catalyzed disciples making disciples (who then make disciples). As we seek to build relationships, share the gospel, and see people come to a saving faith in Christ, new believers are made. But then, we ask: now what? Finding the next step after someone receives salvation can seem harder than it should be. We know we want to plug them into a church, but we also know growth takes intentionality. Sometimes, we are the ones providing this intentionality through mentoring a new, younger believer. How should … [Read more...]
What the “Scattered Church” Can Do in Times of Uncertainty
With the news of churches having to close their doors on Sundays and suspend all large group gatherings for the unforeseen future, it is vital to leverage these circumstances for the Kingdom. This is an opportunity for advancement of the Kingdom in us personally, among us corporately, and in our communities where we live. The early Church was scattered for different reasons than us today, but we can learn from them what to focus on in these moments. Here are some practical things the “scattered church” can do while they are not … [Read more...]
4 Things to Keep in Mind as You Respond to COVID-19
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). It’s been talked about as if it is the greatest pandemic in history. And it’s been shrugged off as nothing more than a minimally present virus that will be no concern in a couple months. No matter your understanding of the COVID-19 narrative, there’s no doubt that people in your ministry are asking questions of what you will do when this dreaded virus hits your campus, church, or community. Here are four things to keep in mind as you navigate the circumstances surrounding COVID-19. 1. Protect … [Read more...]
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