Friends, I’m spent. These last four months of social upheaval and cultural discord, and all the ministry adjustments that accompanied it have me worn pretty thin. Do you feel it too? I was scrolling through Facebook early this morning – I know, Facebook? Yup, I’m barely relevant anymore – and … [Read More...]

My Favorite Verse on Calling
“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life” (Proverbs 13:12, ESV). I find myself in many conversations with Christians about calling. Now what … [Read More...]

4 Non-Negotiables When the Fall Looks Different
By Bill Noe
Pivot, change, reassess, unknown…anybody else getting weary of the frequency with which these words are overwhelming our everyday vocabulary? It almost feels like just when we … [Read More...]

Pressure Always Reveals Reality
In the Coronavirus craziness that we’ve been living in for several months, everyone in ministry has been faced with hard decisions, challenging questions, and a lack of answers to those questions. We’ve developed amnesia about how things used to be. We’ve felt upside down in our current situations. … [Read More...]

Why Empty-Nester Leaders are My Secret Weapon
This wasn't a ministry strategy that was original to me … honestly it was a trend in our church that I inherited. But it's become a mainstay for me in my church's ministry to college students, young adults, and young parents. They're called empty nesters, and they make up over two-thirds of the … [Read More...]

When Fear Grows Up
By Mark Whitt
From the time we were kids—and were convinced that there was something under our bed when the lights were turned out—we’ve dealt with fear as a part of life. The older we get, the things that we fear simply change. In a sense, our fears seem to grow up just as we do. We find ourselves wondering: … [Read More...]

A Hamlet Moment for the Church
At the outset I’ll say this: These words may be for you as a church leader, or they may be words to pass along to those you love and serve. Regardless, here are the words… The Church seems to be having a Hamlet moment. “To be, or not to be, that is the question:Whether tis nobler in the mind … [Read More...]

Three Essential Components of Development
Developing people is one of the most challenging and rewarding parts of ministry. It’s challenging because committing to the long-term growth of a person is not instantly gratifying or guaranteed. And it’s rewarding because when it takes, it can be unbelievably life-giving and potentially even … [Read More...]

Just Passing Through
By Bill Noe
Like all of us, the pandemic has provided me with windows of time for introspection and reflection. In addition to planning and re-planning, I’ve also thought about God’s hand at work throughout this crazy time. I’m sure it was no accident that in the early days of the crisis, I was reading through … [Read More...]