When does a job not feel like a job? Simple — when you know it to be a calling.
One of the biggest secrets to making the most of your formative young adult years is allowing God the space to speak to you about how you were designed and gifted, how you were infused with passion for something, and how your gifts, talents, and passions can make a difference in the world.
Finding the place where your unique gifting and passion can bring blessing and relief to those who hurt and struggle in our world — that’s where you’ll find your sweet spot. It’s the place you feel most alive, usable, and at peace. This is the place God is calling you to.
No, this doesn’t mean that you’ll always be super excited to get out of bed and go to work, or that you won’t experience challenges with those you work with, but it will bring you a level of assurance that you’re doing exactly what you are called to do — especially when times inevitably get tough.
If your current major or career doesn’t fit this description, you may want to pray about that and see how and where God leads. He offers you the opportunity to choose between a job and calling. Too many people opt for the job. They’re pulling in a paycheck, but they’re not happy or content. They lack a sense of purpose that brings meaning and fulfillment.
When you encounter someone who feels called to their work, you’ll never forget them. It doesn’t matter what industry they work in nor the size of their paycheck. Their joy and passion is magnetic. And the sense of fulfillment they derive from their work is abundantly apparent. When you hold up career and calling side-by-side, there’s really no comparison.
Guy Chmieleski is the university minister at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn. He blogs regularly at faithoncampus.com and you can follow him on Twitter.