It’s that time of year again–graduation. Whether high school or college, most of us know someone who’s graduating and stepping into a new chapter of life. So what do you give that special person to encourage them in their new journey? We have a few solutions. Consider these high school and college graduation gift ideas:
For the High School Grads …
Experiencing God: God’s Invitation to Young Adults–This interactive Bible study invites young adults to join God in His work throughout the world. As graduates embark on their new chapter of life–college, career, military, missions, and more–they’ll ask questions like, What should I do with my life? and How can God use me? The goal of this book is to teach young adults how to live life in such a way that they will experience everything God intends for their life. Get it by clicking HERE.
The Graduate’s Survival Guide–From money topics to life issues, Dave Ramsey’s daughter, Rachel Cruze, offers students a challenging yet practical tool at being prepared for the many college curveballs. Bonus: The more you order, the better the price! See a sample and learn more by clicking HERE.
T-shirt Quilt–High schooler rack up a ton of t-shirts from school events. Rather than toss them, why not repurpose them into a t-shirt quilt? Whether you have a seamstress within reach or if you need to use an online t-shirt quilt company, this is a meaningful gift that will last a lifetime. The trick: somehow stealing away all those t-shirts.
For the College Grads …
Threads Bible studies–From life topics to character studies to books of the Bible, there’s a Threads Bible study that speaks to everyone. Priced between $8 to $10, this is an excellent way to encourage a college graduate to stay focused on God’s plan as they embark on the search for a career or the starting of a family. Check out all the great topics at Bonus: Most titles are now available in digital format from the iTunes bookstore!
Devotional Guides–There are plenty of great devotional options available to place in the hands of college graduates. Consider the popular Jesus Calling by Sarah Young or My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers.
Study Bible–The Bible is our guide map for life, so why not place God’s map in the hands of a college graduate. Consider a good study Bible with note space and dig deeper elements. Study Bibles can get pricey, but they’re gifts that will last a lifetime. Suggestions: The HCSB Study Bible or the ESV Study Bible.
Above all, graduates need all your love, support, and encouragement as they face these life-altering stages. Whether it be a tangible gift as these mentioned above, the good ol’ gift of cash, or even the simple gift of prayer, don’t forget the graduates in you life. You can play a major role in helping them find God’s purpose and plan.
Adam York is the content editor for Collegiate magazine, Explore the Bible: Young Adults, and Connect with Adam via Twitter.