Light is fascinating. It illuminates. It reveals. It clarifies. Often, we don’t appreciate the value of light until we’re stuck in a dark place without knowing the way out. (If you’ve ever played a game of Underground Church, you can definitely relate.) But light is necessary for survival. God intended it this way from the beginning. LET THERE BE LIGHT The Holman Bible Dictionary defines the word light as “that which penetrates and dispels darkness.”1 Scripture teaches us a lot about light. First, God created it (Genesis … [Read more...]
Why Fast and Easy Isn’t Always Effective
Fast, easy, and effective. It’s the ongoing chant of our culture that feeds the monster of “your way, right away.” Essentially, credit cards have become the ultimate “fast pass” of our generation. But rather than moving us ahead on life’s great adventure ride, credit cards often put us on the fast track to debt, delinquency, and destruction. So before you swipe and go, consider these four reasons credit cards are a bad idea. Whose Money Is It, Anyway? Spending money is easy — especially when it’s not yours. Before submitting to … [Read more...]
Are You Overcommitted?
Ever felt like you just don't have enough time to give to the things and people in your life who demand it? I find myself at this place of tension often. Being an extrovert, I love spending face-to-face time with people. Nothing brings more joy to my life than just being with the people. Because of this, I usually end up juggling multiple commitments that can be quite draining, sometimes leaving me wondering if I've offered anything good of myself to others. So what is the remedy for being overcommitted? Here are 3 ways to … [Read more...]
9 Reasons Less Is More in Social Media
Sharing is good. Or at least that's what we were taught growing up, right? As kids, we were encouraged to share our toys, our time on the swing, and our Goldfish snacks. (If you have siblings, you can definitely affirm the value of sharing.) But sharing takes on a whole new meaning when it comes to the wide world of social media. It's fascinating that, as children, we grasped so tightly to what we considered valuable. We wanted to share only when and with whom it was comfortable. But now, as technology-driven individuals, it seems … [Read more...]
Gray Areas Small Group Study
Commit Small Group Study
6 Meaningful Graduation Gift Ideas
It's that time of year again–graduation. Whether high school or college, most of us know someone who's graduating and stepping into a new chapter of life. So what do you give that special person to encourage them in their new journey? We have a few solutions. Consider these high school and college graduation gift ideas: For the High School Grads … Experiencing God: God's Invitation to Young Adults–This interactive Bible study invites young adults to join God in His work throughout the world. As graduates embark on their new chapter … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Avoid Mental Overload
With demanding schedules, intense workloads, and the desire to succeed in all areas, it’s easy to get bogged down with responsibilities and even make an idol out of achievement. With that in mind, what things in your life (“good” things) are preventing or hindering you from pressing into God's presence? As I reflected on this question, I found several hindrances (also known as idols) that were holding me back from complete abandonment to the Lord, and they simply weren’t necessary. Perhaps you have some of those too. It's … [Read more...]
Why Does the Holy Spirit Give Us Gifts?
My kids love getting gifts. (I guess that whole “blessed is the giver” thing hasn’t caught on yet.) My son likes Legos®, light sabers, and baseball bats. He could care less about getting clothes. In a big stack of presents, he’ll open a package of socks, nod politely, and then quickly throw them aside in search of a new action figure. But my little girl? Well, clothes are an entirely different story with her. She’ll open her socks and squeal with glee. She doesn’t see clothes as a necessary evil that has to be dealt with every … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Make Spring Break Meaningful
Relax. Breathe. You're almost there. Spring Break is just around the corner. No classes, homework, or pulling all-nighters. But what will you do with your extra time? Here are a few ideas with purpose: Prepare. Let's be honest. Once you're back home, you'll put off studying until the last second, which equals stress. So, if you've got midterms after the break, try to study for them before you go away. Invest. Spend quality time with close friends and family from home. If you're not going home, mission trips or community … [Read more...]