Tunnel vision is one of the biggest challenges for people whose primary task is to lead or support one particular area of ministry in the local church. The danger of tunnel vision is that it can prevent someone from seeing the bigger picture of their ministry. It's important to remember that no ministry is isolated to the degree that it has no impact on other ministries. This principle goes for church ministries and parachurch organizations alike. But, particularly in the local church, this reality is often overlooked. One way to … [Read more...]
Someone to Send, Someone to Receive
I’ve been mulling my way through the Book of Philippians since the start of the year. I know, I know… it’s only four chapters long, and here it is February. What’s taking so long? Well, I get to lingering in the words, and my heart halts my hand on passages that I just can’t leave alone—sometimes for days on end. One such passage has been Philippians 2:19-30. No, it’s not the “Christ hymn” passage. No, it’s not the “work out your salvation with fear and trembling” passage. And, no, it is not the “lights in the world” passage. … [Read more...]
A Life Worth Mimicking
There’s an interesting point about the apostle Paul that I never really knew until a seminary professor pointed it out to me (and a classroom of others) many years ago. Many times, Paul encouraged others to look to himself as an example. “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1, ESV).“I urge you, then, be imitators of me” (1 Corinthians 4:16).“Brothers, join in imitating me” (Philippians 3:17a). “And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you received the word in much affliction, with the joy of the … [Read more...]
The Power of One-on-One Conversations
Have you ever had those days where you felt like you were spinning your wheels and not making a difference? I sure have. There are days where I have thought, Good grief, Lord, I am just one person. Can I really make a difference? Honestly, I had this thought the other day, and the Lord reminded me of “the impact of one” through one of my favorite conversations in the Book of John. The "woman at the well" conversation (and fallout) is one of my favorite glimpses into the impact Jesus can have on people. This one day in the life of … [Read more...]
Do You See Like Jesus Sees?
I don’t know what the weather is like where you live right now, but January where I live is usually a cold, grey, wet month. Outside my window right now, the sky is cloudy and a cold rain is falling. Sometimes, it feels as though the cold, grey, moisture has seeped under my skin and left me feeling as though I’ll never be warm again. It affects how I feel physically, but it also takes a toll on my mind and heart, too. The cold outside makes me feel cold inside—sad, grey, and lonely. My Scripture reading in this new year … [Read more...]
4 Keys To A More Fulfilling Career
Millennials have a curious reputation. They seem to care less about materialism than previous generations and sincerely desire to change the world. But, they’ve also been tagged with being the most unfocused, selfish, and lazy of all generations. While every generation and person is different, one thing is certain: You will be seriously challenged in your journey and will need all the legit knowledge, experience, and help you can get. Guaranteed. In my creative and strategic branding agency, I work closely with Millennials. This … [Read more...]
3 Questions for Measuring Ministry Health
I recently spent some time assessing the health and success of my ministry through 2019. It was a great time to celebrate the victories, remember the pains, laugh at the memories, and wonder…What if? As I spent this valuable time thinking about the past twelve months, I found myself at times wishing for bigger numbers, more recognition, and even greater opportunity. But, it didn’t take long for the Lord to remind me that ministry health isn’t about those things. Rather, ministry health is determined by far more meaningful … [Read more...]
3 Reasons We Need More Transparency in the Church
Have you ever been to a Bible study, Sunday School class, or small group that felt unwelcoming? Was it because no one spoke to you? Was it because there was no one close to your age? Was it because everyone seemed to know everyone already? For me, groups at church feel the most unwelcoming when they lack honesty and transparency. Is this lack of honesty and transparency a sin, or is it just something that tunes me out? Well, the specific word “transparency” isn’t used in Scripture; but similar concepts are. Hypocrisy and honesty … [Read more...]
How to Set Goals that Make a Difference
New Year’s resolutions. Love them or hate them, they reappear every year. Laden with good intentions each January, many of us start on a litany of goals with a desire to change ourselves. We vow to work out, get out of debt, spend more time studying, and so forth. The thing about New Year’s resolutions — they’re often all about us. Culture tells us to focus on ourselves, but God tells us the opposite. He wants us to focus on Him and His agenda. The most significant changes can happen when we’re not focused on ourselves but on … [Read more...]
A New Tool for Young Adults: Inspired Questions
During freshman orientation at college, I remember my college president saying to us, “One way you will know whether or not we have succeeded at preparing you for life after college is if you leave here with more questions than answers.” Several years after graduating college, I went back to school to get a master’s degree. Once again, during orientation, the main speaker focused on the importance of learning to ask more and better questions. At one point, he confidently asserted, “Your mission here should be to ask and answer … [Read more...]
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